About us

Innovative minds crafting digital advertising solutions through a blend of creativity and strategy.

Corporate Culture

At Connected Interactive Inc, our culture is our compass. With a steadfast commitment to people—clients, partners, employees, and community—we place everyone at the forefront. Our unique approach ensures everyone’s voice is valued and heard, fostering an environment where service excellence is not just promised but lived.

Mission: Help Clients Achieve Lasting Growth with Less Sacrifice

Dedicated for over 12 years to serving clients across Canada, the US and Latin America, we envision becoming the foremost audience buying solution. Our mission is straightforward: deliver results-driven solutions for agencies and brands of all sizes, ensuring a user-friendly experience that simplifies the digital landscape through technology and service.

Values & Vision

Our shared ownership and entrepreneurial spirit are the engines driving innovation and transformation at Connected Interactive. As we connect, learn, and grow, we’re uplifting and supporting each other to to be the best we can be for our partners, clients and the whole digital advertising industry.


Our relentless pursuit of innovation is our north star, guiding us to push limits and explore uncharted territories


We are a collective of curious minds, engaging in robust exploration and thoughtful experimentation to unlock new possibilities and solutions.


Embracing a 'Yes' culture, we encourage novel ideas, fostering an environment where opportunities are ceaselessly explored


While celebrating individual triumphs, we cherish and reward the spirit of collaboration.


With shared ownership, every employee is a stakeholder, reaping the rewards of collective success.

Enterpreneurial Spirit

Empowerment is our ethos. Our team enjoys the freedom to act entrepreneurial, focusing on outcomes over hours, working from anywhere.

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Guiding Principles

Honestly over Anything

Honesty is non-negotiable. Never promise what we can't deliver or bring value to.


We focus on value, not price, we provide unparalleled solutions to unique client challenges

Problem Solvers

More than just solution providers, we are your partners in problem-solving.


Our reputation is everything. Short-term gains hold no value. We are proud of our standing in the industry.

Embacing Tomorrow

The dawn of Al and other technologies necessitates adoption and adaptation. At Connected Interactive, new technologies are embraced, acting as the linchpin for future-proofing our business and services.

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