Supercharge Your Marketing with Lookalike Audiences


Your Path to Scaled Success and Enhanced Engagement

After more than a decade in the trenches of digital advertising and adtech, I’ve had the privilege of watching this industry evolve and transform. I’ve seen firsthand how the right strategies can transform campaigns. One of the most powerful tools we have today is lookalike audiences and the ability to enhance them with 3rd party data. So, why is this approach essential for scaling your results and maximizing ROI? Let’s explore.

Harness the Power of Lookalike Audiences

Lookalike audiences are crucial for enriching your user targeting strategy in digital marketing campaigns. They offer multiple benefits that can significantly boost your campaign performance:


  • Enhanced Targeting Precision: Reach new users similar to your existing high-value customers, reducing ad spend wastage.
  • Increased ROI: Higher likelihood of conversions, optimizing ad spend for better returns.
  • Expanded Campaign Reach: Enter new markets by targeting similar user segments.
  • Efficient Use of Data: Leverage existing customer data for informed targeting decisions.
  • Deeper Connection with Target Users: Deliver tailored, relevant ad messaging, improving user engagement and experience.
  • Continuous Campaign Improvement: Dynamically refine and update audiences based on new data and feedback.
  • Competitive Advantage: Gain an edge by effectively reaching potential customers before competitors.
  • Cross-Channel Consistency: Ensure a unified targeting strategy and brand messaging across multiple marketing channels.

Creation of Lookalike Audiences: Build from Quality Seed Data

Start with rich, scalable, and accurate seed data (e.g., hashed emails from your subscriber list). The quality of your lookalikes depends on the quality of your seed data. This data can feed directly into marketing platforms, helping you target users who resemble your best customers, driving campaign efficiencies and increasing ROI.


  • High Quality and Relevance: Direct user connection ensures specific and relevant data, containing high-quality information from engaged subscribers or customers.
  • Effective Targeting: Behavioral insights tied to user behaviors like purchase history and engagement. Customer segmentation allows for precise targeting based on user interactions.
  • Data Accuracy: Consistent updates by users maintain the accuracy and relevance of the email list.

Supercharging Lookalike Audiences

Enhance your lookalike audiences by blending them with additional behavioral signals, such as purchase data (e.g., Moneris transactional signals from Canada’s largest POS provider) or psychographic data (demographic, brand, and retail affinity). This approach, known as Audience Architecture, ensures you target users with the right behaviors for conversion.


Why is it Important to Further Enhance Lookalikes with Additional Quality Data?

While emails are powerful, combining them with other types of data can create even more effective lookalike audiences. Here are some data sources to consider:


  • Transactional Data:
    • Purchase History: Identifies high-value customers based on buying patterns.
    • POS Data: Adds depth to understanding customer behaviors.
  • Demographic Data:
    • Age, Gender, Location: Helps understand broader customer characteristics.
  • Psychographic Data:
    • Interests and Preferences: Provides insights into lifestyles and values for personalized targeting.
    • Brand Affinity: Guides more effective audience creation.
  • Behavioral Data:
    • Website and App Activity: Indicates user engagement and intent.
    • Social Media Engagement: Highlights interests and behaviors of potential customers.

Life Lessons in Lookalike Audiences

Early in my career, I worked on a campaign for a client who was determined to lower their CPA at all costs. We focused heavily on minimizing expenses, only to find that our conversions were low-quality and often didn’t justify the cost. It was a classic race to the bottom.


In another instance, we used high-quality seed data from engaged customers for a different client. By creating lookalike audiences, we saw a significant improvement in engagement and conversions. The campaign’s success reaffirmed the importance of starting with quality data and focusing on user engagement.


Creating lookalike audiences from carefully sourced seed data and enhancing them through Audience Architecture is a powerful way to drive and scale results. By focusing on users with the right behaviors for conversion, you can maximize your marketing efforts and achieve significant growth.


One thing I’ve learned in my years in this industry is that the quality of your audience can make or break a campaign. Start with quality data, refine continuously, and always aim for deeper engagement. These strategies have helped my clients succeed time and again, and I’m confident they can work for you too. If you have any questions or need further insights, feel free to reach out. 

Here’s to your marketing success!


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